English via Assassination Classroom

“Assassination Classroom” is a popular manga and anime series known for its unique plot and characters, and one of its most beloved characters is the artificial lifeform teacher Koro-sensei. In the series, Koro-sensei is shown to have a special way of teaching his students, using innovative and creative tactics to make sure they understand the lesson. From songs about math based on anime opening themes to moving at Mach 20 to create “after image tutor copies,” Koro-sensei is always finding new ways to engage his students and make learning fun.

Now, Koro-sensei has turned his attention to teaching English with the release of the “Assassination Classroom English Textbook.” Published by Jump j Books, this textbook is aimed at college and graduate students who want to learn English in a fun and interactive way. The textbook contains over 1000 different applications for learning English, from the basics to more advanced and unique lessons.

One of the unique features of the textbook is the inclusion of illustrations and manga stories created by “Assassination Classroom” creator Yūsei Matsui. Additionally, the textbook includes sections on vocabulary and grammar, as well as fun and interactive activities such as “Bitch-sensei’s Pick-up Line Lecture” and “Okajima-kun’s Erotic English Vocab.”

Throughout the book, readers will encounter their favorite characters from the series, each showcasing their own unique English skills to teach readers something new. The textbook was released on August 4 in Japan and is available for purchase online through Amazon for a reasonable price of 864 yen (about US $8.44).

Overall, the “Assassination Classroom English Textbook” offers a fun and engaging way for students to learn English while also enjoying their favorite manga and anime series. With its unique approach to teaching and inclusion of beloved characters, this textbook is sure to be a hit among fans of the series and students of English alike.

We bring out some of the most well-known Assassination Classroom  collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Assassination Classroom collection

Chiba, Terasaka, Nakamura, Hazama, Hayami, Hara

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