Dragon Ball Super ruins Goku’s character development

A recent article about the Dragon Ball Super anime claims that it has undone a major character development for Goku, one of the series’ most iconic characters. The article alleges that the series has ruined Goku’s biggest character development in years, a statement that suggests that Goku has undergone significant changes in his characterization recently.

The article focuses on a particular moment in the anime where Goku decides to sacrifice himself to protect his loved ones and the universe from a powerful enemy. This act of selflessness, according to the article, is a significant moment of growth for Goku, as it shows that he has moved beyond his initial selfishness and is now capable of putting others before himself.

However, the article argues that subsequent events in the series have undone this development. Specifically, it claims that Goku’s decision to enter a tournament where the losing universes will be erased is a regression to his old self-centered ways. The article argues that Goku’s desire to fight strong opponents and test his abilities is a return to his selfishness, and that it undermines the growth he showed in the earlier moment of self-sacrifice.

The article suggests that this regression is a disappointing development for Goku’s character, as it undoes the progress he had made towards becoming a more selfless and heroic character. It is worth noting, however, that this is just one perspective on Goku’s character and that other viewers may interpret his actions differently. Nonetheless, the article highlights the importance of consistency and coherence in character development and how it can affect the way viewers perceive and relate to the characters they follow.

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