Dragon Ball Super Needs Piccolo

In the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super, Piccolo’s role is not only to showcase his unique abilities, but also to serve as a reminder of why he’s a valuable member of the Z Warriors. Throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, characters are often defined by their power levels and the ability to unleash devastating attacks, but Piccolo is different. As a Namekian with a deep understanding of combat, he brings a level of wisdom and strategic thinking that sets him apart from the rest of the fighters.

In this particular chapter, Piccolo is faced with a formidable opponent in the form of one of Dr. Hedo’s new Gamma androids. Despite his constant training, Piccolo is surprised by the overwhelming strength of his opponent, and he realizes that brute force alone won’t be enough to defeat him. Instead, he opts for a strategic retreat in order to gather important intelligence on the Red Ribbon Army’s new androids and the new Cell Max that Hedo is creating for his employers.

What’s particularly notable about this sequence is that it showcases Piccolo’s intellect and strategic sense, which are often overlooked in a franchise that is primarily focused on battles and power levels. By infiltrating the Red Ribbon base and gathering intelligence, Piccolo demonstrates that he’s more than just a fighter – he’s a valuable asset to the Z Warriors in their ongoing battle against powerful enemies.

Moreover, this chapter of Dragon Ball Super is significant because it puts the spotlight on two previously neglected characters, Piccolo and Gohan. While Goku and Vegeta have often taken center stage in the franchise, Piccolo and Gohan have been relegated to the background in recent years. However, this latest arc gives them the opportunity to catch up and shine once again. Fans have already seen how Piccolo has become attached to Pan, taking care of and training Gohan’s daughter, and this latest chapter highlights all the qualities that make Piccolo such an important member of the team.

In short, this latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super is significant for several reasons. It showcases Piccolo’s unique abilities, highlights the importance of strategic thinking in combat, and serves as a reminder of why Piccolo is such a valuable member of the Z Warriors. Moreover, it’s part of a larger trend in the franchise that’s focused on giving neglected characters a chance to shine, which is sure to be exciting for fans of the series.

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Master Roshi,Yamcha,Tien Shinhan,Chiaotzu,Son Goten

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