One Piece Color Walk Compendium in English is the perfect gift

In 2022, One Piece, the global phenomenon created by Eiichiro Oda, reached a fever point as it celebrated its 25th year. The pirate adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew had become an international sensation, with fans eagerly consuming the manga, anime, and theatrical films that brought the story to life. With the release of the 1,000th chapter of the manga, the 1,000th episode of the anime, and the success of the theatrical release of Film Red, it was clear that One Piece was not slowing down anytime soon.

For fans of the series, the 25th anniversary was cause for celebration, and many looked back on their favorite moments and characters over the years. But even as they celebrated the past, fans were eager to see what the future held for One Piece. With so much material already available, from the manga and anime to the movies and video games, it was hard to imagine what else the series could offer.

Fortunately for fans, there is no shortage of One Piece merchandise to collect, and those who enjoy the art of the series have plenty of options to choose from. While the majority of One Piece merchandise is released in Japan, fans in other countries can still find a variety of products to add to their collection.

One of the most elusive and sought-after collections is the One Piece Color Walk books. These books feature a variety of artwork, from concept art and sketches to fully colored volume covers from the manga. They also include exclusive commentary from Eiichiro Oda, offering fans a glimpse into the creative process behind the series.

Since 2005, over nine volumes of the One Piece Color Walk books have been released in Japan, providing fans with an extensive collection of artwork to enjoy. While these books are highly coveted, they are also difficult for fans outside of Japan to obtain, due to limited availability and high prices.

However, for fans who prefer to read in English, there is good news: the English distributor of One Piece, Viz Media, has begun compiling the One Piece Color Walk volumes into three compendiums. These compendiums each contain three volumes of the Japanese Color Walks, translated into English and organized by theme.

The first two One Piece Color Walk Compendiums were released in 2018 and 2019, respectively, and quickly became must-have items for fans of the series. The third and final compendium, covering Volumes 7, 8, and 9 of the Color Walk art books, was released at the end of 2022, much to the excitement of fans.

Each of the three compendium volumes features over 300 pages of beautiful color art, along with interviews with the creator and other famous manga artists. The third compendium covers the Straw Hat Pirates’ adventures through the Paramount War and the New World, making it a must-have for fans who want to dive deeper into the world of One Piece. Whether you are a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer who wants to explore its vast and colorful universe, the One Piece Color Walk Compendiums are the perfect addition to any collection.

We bring out some of the most well-known One Piece collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the One Piece collection!

Shank, Luffy, One Piece, Zoro, Nami, Robin, Usopp

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