One Piece Ep. 1058 release date and time

In the latest episode of One Piece, titled “The Onslaught of Kazenbo — Orochi’s Evil Clutches Close In,” the story continues as Yamato rushes to the armory while Sanji is still struggling with his thoughts. The episode reveals that Apoo is still trying to convince Drake to work with him, but Drake refuses and attacks Apoo. A fight breaks out between the two, but suddenly Yamato breaks through the room, interrupting their fight.

Apoo tries to convince Yamato to join his side, but Yamato is in a hurry to get to the armory, and Fuga starts following him. Apoo and the other Numbers start chasing after Yamato. Meanwhile, CP-0 is still chasing after Robin, but the Minks sacrifice themselves to allow Brook and Robin to escape. In another part of the castle, Sanji is running around, still feeling panicked about turning into a Germa warrior. He suddenly comes across an injured woman who asks Sanji to stay away from her.

Sanji offers to help, but the other women present think that Sanji hit her and demand that he leave. Queen eventually catches up to Sanji, but Sanji is too busy thinking about what happened, and he decides to destroy the Germa suit. Meanwhile, while Zoro is fighting King, Sanji calls him to let him know that they’re going to beat the Animal Kingdom Pirates. He also tells Zoro to kill him in case he goes mad after the battle. After the conversation, Sanji prepares to fight Queen again.

One Piece Episode 1058 is set to air on Saturday, April 15, in the United States, with Crunchyroll simulcasting the series. The episode will be available with English subtitles an hour and a half after it airs in Japan. Past episodes of One Piece are available on Hulu, while the English dub is available on both Hulu and Crunchyroll.

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Law, Zoro, Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Jinbe, Franky, Chopper, One Piece

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