My Hero Academia: 11 Secrets That Could Ruin It – an article discussing potential negative aspects of the series

My Hero Academia has a large and devoted fanbase, but there are certain secrets that could potentially ruin the professional heroes’ image and reputation. Here are eleven such secrets:

  1. All Might’s true form: While All Might is widely known as the Symbol of Peace, his true form as a weak and emaciated man could shake people’s faith in him.
  2. Endeavor’s abusive past: Endeavor’s violent treatment of his family, particularly his wife and second son, could tarnish his status as the No. 1 hero.
  3. Hawks’ espionage: Hawks was revealed to be a spy for the Hero Commission, which could lead to questions about his loyalty and motives.
  4. Best Jeanist’s fate: Best Jeanist was gravely injured during a fight with All For One and has not been seen since, leading to speculation about his condition and whether he is still alive.
  5. Mirio’s Quirk loss: Mirio Togata, one of U.A. High School’s top students, lost his Quirk during a battle and had to step back from his hero duties.
  6. The Hero Commission’s dark side: The Hero Commission’s methods, such as forcibly quirk-testing children and manipulating heroes for their own purposes, could damage their public perception.
  7. The truth about One For All: The true nature of the Quirk that has been passed down from generation to generation, including its connection to the villainous All For One, could shake people’s understanding of hero society.
  8. The prison system: The treatment of villains in the prison system, including the use of Quirk-destroying bullets, could lead to questions about the ethics of hero society.
  9. The truth about Nana Shimura: Nana Shimura, All Might’s predecessor, was revealed to have a grandson who became a villain, raising questions about her legacy and the effectiveness of One For All.
  10. The League of Villains’ origins: The origins of the League of Villains and their leader, Tomura Shigaraki, including his connection to All For One, could cause people to question the true nature of hero society.
  11. The truth about the high school exams: The U.A. High School entrance exams, which include life-threatening challenges, could raise questions about the ethics of using children in dangerous situations for the sake of training them as heroes.

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Togaru, Kuroiro, Kendo, Kodai, Komori, Shiozaki

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