Conservatives seek to remove manga from libraries due to school shooting content

In recent news, the Citizens Defending Freedom group has announced their intention to challenge the inclusion of the popular manga series “Assassination Classroom” in Florida schools. The group claims that the series contains “violence against teachers” and “explicit sexual content” that is not appropriate for young students.

While some may see this as a valid concern, others argue that the group’s censorship attempts are misguided and unnecessary. “Assassination Classroom” is a manga series about an alien who destroys the moon and threatens to destroy the Earth unless a group of students can assassinate him before their graduation. Along the way, the students learn various academic subjects and hone their assassination skills, often engaging in knife-throwing and shooting at their alien teacher.

Despite the violent themes, many readers find the series to be uplifting and inspiring. The alien teacher is depicted as caring deeply about his students and pushing them to achieve their full potential, even in the face of seemingly impossible challenges. The series also explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and perseverance, making it a valuable read for young people.

The Citizens Defending Freedom group argues that the series promotes violence and sexual content, and therefore should not be allowed in schools. However, many critics point out that the series is not gratuitously violent or sexual, and that its messages about the importance of education and individual growth are valuable for young people.

In the end, the decision about whether or not to include “Assassination Classroom” in Florida schools will likely come down to a matter of personal opinion. Some may see the series as inappropriate or offensive, while others may view it as a valuable and uplifting work of art. Regardless of where one stands on the issue, it is clear that debates like these will continue to arise as society grapples with questions of censorship, freedom of speech, and artistic expression.

We bring out some of the most well-known Assassination Classroom  collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Assassination Classroom collection

Okajima, Okano, Okuda, Kataoka, Kayano, Kanzaki

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