“Black Clover” explains Asta’s new sword that can destroy demons

In the popular anime series “Black Clover,” the protagonist Asta has collected three powerful swords throughout the course of the story: Demon-Slayer, Demon-Dweller, and the most recent addition, Demon-Destroyer. In episode 100, Asta obtains the Demon-Destroyer sword from an Elf named Licht during battle after noticing its ability to absorb his and Yuno’s magic, which greatly strengthens the villain’s attacks. Asta later discovers that the sword has chosen him to be its wielder, having been written into his grimoire. This may not have happened if he had not already mastered his first two swords.

Each of Asta’s swords has unique characteristics that set them apart from one another. Demon-Slayer is a large and bulky sword that can grow even bigger depending on the situation. Asta can use it to fly and summon it back to him, much like how Thor summons his hammer. Demon-Dweller, on the other hand, can absorb and redirect magic, allowing Asta to enhance his anti-magic attacks. Both swords have the ability to cut through spells and redirect their magic.

Demon-Destroyer, the latest addition to Asta’s arsenal, is a bit of a mystery as its full potential is not yet known. However, it shares some traits with its predecessors in that it can cut and redirect spells with a blunt edge. It also possesses a unique ability called Casualty Break or Fate Release, which allows the sword to absorb all surrounding magic, effectively erasing it and its physical effects by taking away their source. It does this by producing anti-magic that touches those affected, such as those under the influence of forbidden magic like Elven possession, and absorbing all of the magic inside and around them. This power could be seen as a form of healing magic, despite not being its primary purpose.

The versatility of Asta’s swords and their various abilities make him a formidable opponent to anyone who stands in his way. As he continues to discover the full potential of each sword, it will be interesting to see how he uses them to overcome his challenges and become the ultimate Wizard King.

We bring out some of the most well-known Black Clover collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Black Clover collection

Sekke, Mereoleona, Rebecca, Sally, Mariella, Dorothy

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