Missed My Hero Academia’s Batman in manga, say fans

My Hero Academia, a popular anime and manga series, has amassed a massive fan following over the years. The series, set in a world where 80% of the population has superpowers or “quirks,” revolves around the adventures of a young aspiring hero named Izuku Midoriya, who idolizes the world’s top hero, All Might. The series has introduced several characters with unique quirks and abilities, some of whom have become fan favorites.

Despite the plethora of characters in My Hero Academia, some fans may not be aware that the series has its own version of Batman. This character is introduced in the manga spin-off, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, which tells the story of unlicensed individuals who take on villains and crime in the shadows. The character in question is named Knuckleduster, a quirkless individual who uses his exceptional fighting skills and dedication to justice to patrol the streets and keep them safe.

Knuckleduster’s crime-fighting methods and behavior are reminiscent of Batman’s methods. He often jumps off or swings from rooftops, keeps himself in peak physical condition, and doesn’t let his lack of superpowers stop him from taking on opponents who are more powerful or larger than he is. His dedication to stopping illegal superpower-enhancing drugs from flooding the streets is similar to Batman’s war on crime, and his desire to train and nurture Koichi’s heroic career feels similar to Batman’s training of his partners like Robin.

However, Knuckleduster’s unmasked appearance and stubbornness feel more in line with the older Batman from Dark Knight Returns, and his love of beer and smoking cigarettes brings to mind Marvel’s iconic mutant hero/vigilante, Wolverine. His costume also brings to mind Wildstorm’s Midnighter, who has been considered an emulation of Batman due to his intelligence and enthusiasm for using violence against criminals.

Knuckleduster exists in a separate yet interconnected world within My Hero Academia, where licensed heroes fight villains like their nemesis All for One or the League of Villains, while Knuckleduster and his fellow vigilantes take on the other villains or situations that slip between the cracks. Although their actions are considered illegal in their world, it makes sense that if My Hero Academia has heroes acting like Superman, they would also have their own Batman, who seeks to strike terror in the superstitious and cowardly lot, no matter how weird or unhinged they might be.

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Shoji, Jiro, Sero, Fumikage, Shoto, Toru

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