Jujutsu Kaisen confirms filler arc

Jujutsu Kaisen’s Culling Game arc has been met with criticism from fans who consider it filler, and unfortunately, the latest chapter of the manga seems to support this view. While the arc could have potentially justified its length by introducing important new characters, it appears that this was not the case, and the storyline has instead been regarded by many as a series of long and seemingly pointless fights. The latest chapter sees the reintroduction of Ishigori and Uro, two new characters who had previously engaged in a powerful three-way battle with Yuta. However, when Ishigori confronts Sukuna, he is quickly killed, implying that even with his incredible strength, he was still no match for the King of Curses. This raises questions about the relevance of the other new characters introduced in the Culling Game.

The arc was made up of disconnected fights featuring various members of the manga’s preexisting cast, as well as introducing new sorcerers. This approach made many fans lose interest in the series, as they did not care about fights featuring new characters that felt like filler. However, it was seen as a necessary evil to create another arc with the same scale and impact as the previous Shibuya Incident arc, which had killed or injured much of the original cast. Unfortunately, Ishigori’s death implies that the new characters introduced will serve only as dispensable characters to demonstrate Sukuna’s immense strength, which serves a purpose in the story, but does not justify the lengthy introductions these characters had.

The Culling Game did set up some plot points that may be revisited later, such as Kashimo’s intention to use their cursed energy technique on Sukuna, but if this turns out like Ishigori’s attack, it will likely not amount to anything. The use of new characters in this way reduces their past and future appearances to mere filler, which is a disappointing waste of potential. Gege may give the new characters a more impactful role in the future, but if not, the Culling Game arc may be regarded as a missed opportunity for Jujutsu Kaisen’s best arc.

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Satoru Gojo,Yuji Itadori,Megumi Fushiguro,Ryomen Sakuna,Maki Zen’in,

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